
My mom is worried about me travelling alone. Where in Zurich should I watch my step?

Dear mom, don’t you worry. Your kid is very clever, otherwise he would not have heard about us.

Seriously though, Zurich is a very safe city. But as in everywhere in the world, it’s always wise to watch your belongings and trust your gut.


Event Tip: Restaurant Day

May 19 is Restaurant Day, which means everybody can open up a restaurant for one day. You as a guest can explore various homemade dishes in a personal atmosphere.

Restaurant Day, or as the Finns call it, „Ravintolapäivä“, started a year ago in Helsinki, and since then it expanded to twelve countries all over the world. And finally Restaurant Day is also happening in Zurich. myfriendfromzurich will be at Rollen@ Johns’ Place and enjoy Vietnamese summer rolls. Cu there?!


Event Tip: ewz selection

(photo: mffz, zvg ewz selection)

The ewz selection is a platform for contemporary photography with exibitions, expert talks and workshops. A clear highlight is the Opening & Award night on May 16, but also the Pecha Kucha Night and the Polaroid Workshop sound interesting.


I accidentally landed in Zurich and have no idea what I brought myself into. What do I need to know?

First of all, my dear traveller, Zurich lies in Switzerland, and that is not Sweden, and that is why not everybody is blond here. We speak Swiss German not Dutch, but don’t you worry, you’ll also get by with English. And for anything else: just keep reading this blog, then you’ll be fine.


What is myfriendfromzurich?

You probably know this feeling: You are visiting a new city and tired of following the mundane paths. You wish, there was somebody you could ask where to find the best latte in town or where the cool kids go. And that’s where this blog steps in! myfriendfromzurich is like a real friend who knows all the answers to your questions about Zurich and lets you know about upcoming events and nice places too.

Read more about us here