Or did you lose your favourite scarf during a tramride through town?

Become a member of the Facebook community Put me in touch Zurich and share all the things you’re looking for or have to offer. The social community is inspired by a similar group in India, which already helped people find their wallets, relatives etc..

Whether in Delhi or Zurich – you can’t find (out) everything on your own. Well maybe you could, but it might take you ages! What to do instead? You could always contact myfriendfromzurich and ask us whatever you want to know about Zurich. But we are not a platform where to share things to buy or appartements to rent.

This is where Lea von Bidders social community comes into play. She believes in people willing to help eachother. And as we do, too, we are glad to share her page. Because “together, we know everyone in Zurich”!